Privacy Policy
If you no longer wish to receive information and offers in the future, you can object to the use of your data by us for advertising purposes at any time. Please contact:
Giselle Brito de Carvalho Härer
Alte Weinsteige 124, 70597 Stuttgart
Telefon: +49 176 248 36 079
Responsible body according to the Federal Data Protection Act:
Giselle Brito de Carvalho Härer
Personal Data
When do we use, transfer and process your personal data?
We respect that careful handling of your personal data is very important to you. In order to guarantee this, we comply with the statutory provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act and the Telemedia Act when collecting, using and processing.
We need your personal data in the following cases:
with your order
when you contact us.
We use your personal data:
to process your orders
for the delivery of the goods
to check the creditworthiness
to process the payment
to prevent misuse on our website
to inform you about orders, products and services
for own market research purposes.
Upon request, we will provide you with information about the data stored about you or your pseudonym free of charge. If you wish this, please send a message. We are also obliged, upon request, to correct, block or delete the data stored about you.
order processing
We store the personal data primarily for optimal order processing. For this purpose, we may pass it on to other companies, for example to suppliers who deliver your ordered goods to you. The data passed on in this way may only be used by the recipient to fulfill his task. Any other use of the information is prohibited.
Our website is set up as a so-called web shop via hosting on the servers of STRATO AG. Further information on STRATO AG can be found at or at on the data protection declaration of STRATO AG.
Log data
When you visit our website, the device you use to access the site automatically transmits log data (connection data) to the STRATO AG server. This is especially the case when you order and when you log in. Log data contains e.g. B. the IP address of the device with which you access the website, the type of browser with which you access, the website you have previously visited, your system configuration and date and time information. STRATO AG only saves IP addresses to the extent necessary to provide its services. Otherwise the IP addresses will be deleted or made anonymous. Your IP address will be anonymized shortly after the connection to our website has ended.
We use cookies on various pages to make visiting our website more attractive and to enable the use of certain functions. These are small text files that are stored on your computer. Most of the cookies we use are deleted from your hard drive after the end of the browser session (so-called session cookies). Other cookies remain on your computer and enable us to recognize you on your next visit (so-called permanent cookies), but for a maximum of 60 days. You can prevent the storage of cookies in your browser by restricting or switching off the storage and reading of cookies via the menu bar "Extras > Internet options > Data protection" (Internet Explorer) or "Settings > Data protection" (Firefox). Please note that you may not be able to use certain functions of our website without cookies."
No tracking is carried out on the website.
Data transmission during the ordering process is secured with SSL encryption, Thawte certificates are used.
Procedure directory of the data protection officer
Public directory of procedures for the processing of personal data:
Section 4g of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) stipulates that the data protection officer must make the information in accordance with Section 4e BDSG available to anyone upon request. In order to get an overview, we summarize the key information below.
Name of responsible body:
Giselle Brito de Carvalho Härer
Address of the responsible body:
Alte Weinsteige 124, 70597 Stuttgart
Purpose of data collection, processing or use
Brasileia would like to use the experience of its founder Giselle Brito de Carvalho Härer with the development and manufacture of handicraft products in Brazil to open up a market for these products in Germany and Europe. On the one hand, this contributes to the income of the artisans, who mainly live in disadvantaged rural regions, and on the other hand, we hope to supplement the often very one-sided image of Brazil a little.
The data is collected, processed and used in order to achieve the purposes stated above. The focus of the processing of personal data is the support and administration of customers and the improvement of marketing.
Recipients or categories of recipients to whom the data may be communicated:
Public bodies in the presence of overriding legal provisions and external contractors in accordance with § 11 BDSG to fulfill the above-mentioned purposes.
Standard deadlines for deleting the data
The data will be deleted after the statutory, statutory or contractual retention periods have expired. If data are not affected by this, they will be deleted when the stated purposes no longer apply.
Planned data transfers to third countries
In order to process processes within the scope of the business purpose, data are processed in accordance with the above international guidelines to authorities, customers and suppliers in different countries.